Keeping the Sunshine Working for You

01 Sep, 2021

The Tasmanian Government Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) recommends regular maintenance of solar systems.

Solar systems are a long-term investment, and need to be maintained to:

  • ensure that they continue to perform at optimum levels
  • enable potential issues to be identified at an early stage
  • helpĀ safeguard warranty terms & conditions.

CBOS (and Mode) recommend that servicing is done by a suitably qualified Electrician, ideally one qualified in the design & installation of solar systems. At a minimum, a service should cover factors detailed in the Solar PV System Inspection & Maintenance Checklist developed by CBOS.

Mode recommends that most systems should be serviced every 12 – 18 months. If you have any questions, or to arrange a system service, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 03 6311 1599 or email